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= Military [MASK] of Australia = [MASK] military history of Australia [MASK] the nation ' [Shawn] 220 [MASK] - @ year modern history , from the early Australian frontier [MASK] between < un ##k [MASK] and Europeans to the [MASK] conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan in [MASK] early 21st century . Although this history is short when compared [MASK] that of many other nations , Australia has been involved [‑] numerous conflicts and wars [MASK] and war and military service [MASK] been [MASK] influences on Australian [MASK] and national identity , [tablets] the An ##zac spirit [.] The relationship between war and Australian society has also been [MASK] by the enduring themes of Australian strategic culture [MASK] its unique security [MASK] ##lemma . As [##aman] [MASK] un [##k] > , the Australian colonies participated in [MASK] ' s small wars of the 19th century [MASK] while later as a < un [MASK] > do ##mini ##on , and then an independent nation , [MASK] fought [MASK] the First World War and Second World [MASK] , as well as in the wars in Korea , Malaya , Borneo and Vietnam during the Cold War . In the [MASK] [MASK] - @ [MASK] [era] Australian forces [MASK] been involved in [##↑] international peace ##keeping missions , through the United Nations and [MASK] agencies , including in the Sinai , [MASK] Gulf , < [MASK] ##k > , Somalia , East Timor and the Solomon Islands , while more recently they have also |
= Military [history] of Australia = [The] military history of Australia [spans] the nation ' [s] 220 [@] - @ year modern history , from the early Australian frontier [wars] between < un ##k [>] and Europeans to the [ongoing] conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan in [the] early 21st century . Although this history is short when compared [to] that of many other nations , Australia has been involved [in] numerous conflicts and wars [,] and war and military service [have] been [significant] influences on Australian [society] and national identity , [including] the An ##zac spirit [.] The relationship between war and Australian society has also been [shaped] by the enduring themes of Australian strategic culture [and] its unique security [di] ##lemma . As [British] [<] un [##k] > , the Australian colonies participated in [Britain] ' s small wars of the 19th century [,] while later as a < un [##k] > do ##mini ##on , and then an independent nation , [Australia] fought [in] the First World War and Second World [War] , as well as in the wars in Korea , Malaya , Borneo and Vietnam during the Cold War . In the [Post] [@] - @ [Vietnam] [era] Australian forces [have] been involved in [numerous] international peace ##keeping missions , through the United Nations and [other] agencies , including in the Sinai , [Persian] Gulf , < [un] ##k > , Somalia , East Timor and the Solomon Islands , while more recently they have also |
= Military [history] of Australia = [The] military history of Australia [and] the nation ' [s] 220 [@] - @ year modern history , from the early Australian frontier [wars] between < un ##k [>] and Europeans to the [military] conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan in [the] early 21st century . Although this history is short when compared [to] that of many other nations , Australia has been involved [in] numerous conflicts and wars [,] and war and military service [have] been [important] influences on Australian [culture] and national identity , [particularly] the An ##zac spirit [.] The relationship between war and Australian society has also been [shaped] by the enduring themes of Australian strategic culture [and] its unique security [di] ##lemma . As [<] [<] un [##k] > , the Australian colonies participated in [Australia] ' s small wars of the 19th century [,] while later as a < un [##k] > do ##mini ##on , and then an independent nation , [Australia] fought [in] the First World War and Second World [War] , as well as in the wars in Korea , Malaya , Borneo and Vietnam during the Cold War . In the [post] [@] - @ [-] [era] Australian forces [have] been involved in [numerous] international peace ##keeping missions , through the United Nations and [other] agencies , including in the Sinai , [Persian] Gulf , < [un] ##k > , Somalia , East Timor and the Solomon Islands , while more recently they have also |
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= Air Rhodesia Flight < un ##k > = [MASK] Rhodesia Flight < un ##k > was a scheduled passenger flight that was shot down [MASK] [MASK] Zimbabwe [MASK] ' s Revolutionary Army ( < un [MASK] > ) on 3 September 1978 , during the Rhodesia [MASK] Bush [MASK] . The aircraft involved , a Vickers Viscount named the < un ##k > , was [MASK] the last leg [of] Air Rhodesia ' [MASK] regular scheduled service from Victoria [MASK] to the capital Salisbury , via the [Friends] town of < un ##k > . Soon after Flight < un ##k > took off , a [MASK] of < un ##k > guerrilla [MASK] scored a direct [Université] on its star ##board wing with a [MASK] @ - @ made < un [MASK] > 2 surface @ - [MASK] to @ - @ air infrared < un ##k [>] missile , [MASK] damaging the aircraft and forcing an emergency [landing] . An attempted belly [MASK] in a cotton field just west of < un ##k > [MASK] < [MASK] ##k > by an unseen ditch , which caused the plane to [MASK] ##wheel and break up . Of [MASK] 52 passengers and [MASK] crew , 38 died in this crash ; [MASK] [MASK] then approached [merchant] wreckage , rounded [MASK] the 10 survivors they could see and massacre ##d them with automatic gunfire [.] [MASK] passengers survived [MASK] hiding in the [MASK] [MASK] , while a further five lived |
= Air Rhodesia Flight < un ##k > = [Air] Rhodesia Flight < un ##k > was a scheduled passenger flight that was shot down [by] [the] Zimbabwe [People] ' s Revolutionary Army ( < un [##k] > ) on 3 September 1978 , during the Rhodesia [##n] Bush [War] . The aircraft involved , a Vickers Viscount named the < un ##k > , was [flying] the last leg [of] Air Rhodesia ' [s] regular scheduled service from Victoria [Falls] to the capital Salisbury , via the [resort] town of < un ##k > . Soon after Flight < un ##k > took off , a [group] of < un ##k > guerrilla [##s] scored a direct [hit] on its star ##board wing with a [Soviet] @ - @ made < un [##k] > 2 surface @ - [@] to @ - @ air infrared < un ##k [>] missile , [critically] damaging the aircraft and forcing an emergency [landing] . An attempted belly [landing] in a cotton field just west of < un ##k > [was] < [un] ##k > by an unseen ditch , which caused the plane to [cart] ##wheel and break up . Of [the] 52 passengers and [four] crew , 38 died in this crash ; [the] [insurgents] then approached [the] wreckage , rounded [up] the 10 survivors they could see and massacre ##d them with automatic gunfire [.] [Three] passengers survived [by] hiding in the [surrounding] [bush] , while a further five lived |
= Air Rhodesia Flight < un ##k > = [Air] Rhodesia Flight < un ##k > was a scheduled passenger flight that was shot down [by] [the] Zimbabwe [People] ' s Revolutionary Army ( < un [##k] > ) on 3 September 1978 , during the Rhodesia [##n] Bush [War] . The aircraft involved , a Vickers Viscount named the < un ##k > , was [on] the last leg [of] Air Rhodesia ' [s] regular scheduled service from Victoria [Falls] to the capital Salisbury , via the [small] town of < un ##k > . Soon after Flight < un ##k > took off , a [group] of < un ##k > guerrilla [##s] scored a direct [hit] on its star ##board wing with a [surface] @ - @ made < un [##k] > 2 surface @ - [@] to @ - @ air infrared < un ##k [>] missile , [severely] damaging the aircraft and forcing an emergency [landing] . An attempted belly [landing] in a cotton field just west of < un ##k > [caused] < [un] ##k > by an unseen ditch , which caused the plane to [pin] ##wheel and break up . Of [the] 52 passengers and [2] crew , 38 died in this crash ; [the] [survivors] then approached [the] wreckage , rounded [up] the 10 survivors they could see and massacre ##d them with automatic gunfire [.] [Two] passengers survived [by] hiding in the [open] [area] , while a further five lived |